Handling training Judging

To small to reach the table?

To small to reach the table?
For junior handlers, with table dogs, it can be sometimes end up that a small handler has to put a dog on the table which is far to high. There is nothing worse than seeing a young handler struggle to lift the dog to a height just because it’s a table dog.

There is no reason why the handler cannot ask either the judge or steward not to put the dog on or take the dog off the table. As a judge I would personally prefer to help a handler that asked than watch one struggle and possibly injure their charge.

The other way, if the dog is happy and has been trained for it, is to show the table dog on the floor, if the handler explain that they want to show the dog on the floor as they do not feel capable of safely placing the dog on the table, a judge should not knock a handler for this.

If the handler does choose to place the dog on the tab;e but cannot see over, or top and tail a stacked breed, then there is no reason why a handler cannot use a small (but sturdy) stall/step to stand on behind the table. Just make sure that it is low enough to be safe for the handler and it is placed out of the way of other exhibitors while not in use.

Hope this gives you some ideas for young handlers.

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