Handling training

The Three Turns

The Three Turns
There are three turns that can be used in handling classes to ensure that you never get between the dog and the judge. When showing your dog in the breed ring, these are less important.

The Inward Turn
The dog and handler both turn on the spot, inwards towards each other and the lead is passed to the other hand. This is typically used at the top of an ‘up & down’ when the judge has moved to the left to view the profile movement of the dog.  It is also used in the ‘T’ and ‘L’.


The Show Turn
The dog is slowed and turned on the spot as the handler moves round the outside of the dog. This is used at the top of an ‘up & down’ when the judge has moved to the right to view the profile movement of the dog and is the easiest turn to do if the judge stays in position.

The About Turn (In front of the judge)
This time the handler slows and walks backwards around the dog turning the dog on the spot. This is used at the when turning in front of the judge when joining two patterns together.  E.g. between a Triangle and an ‘up & down’.