Getting started



Definition of marketing; the action or business of promoting and selling products or services

Marketing is a must in any business to sell products and services and to win in their market.

Over the last few years I have noticed the increase in marketing in dogs to “sell” dogs as being the best (Top Dog, Top Sire, Top Kennel etc). Of course this isn’t new. You just need to look back though the dog papers and annuals from the early 1900’s) to see that adverts have been taken out to “sell” the best dogs to viewers around including fellow exhibitors and judges.

But is it going a step to far for what is a hobby? We now see clothing being worn around shows highlighting details a dogs or Junior Handlers wins rather than just the normal identification of kennel names.

Social media plays a big part too, just like for businesses, it’s a great way to target a large audience and you can often find after shows full adverts highlighting a dogs win, rather than just the post and a picture.

But is it correct? Should a hobby be full of adverts which could influence results for future shows? Or is it just a way of sharing and celebrating success with friends all around the world?

Most judges aren’t influenced by adverts so therefore I believe that the marketing of show dogs must be more to share success with friends.

I just hope this doesn’t go any further and once again be only for the rich who can afford to keep up with the latest trends, leaving the rest behind.