Top Tips

Top Tip #34

Top Tip #34
When your in the ring, look and feel proud of your dog. With the positive thinking, a confidence is exuded and a nice natural smile will appear on your face while you look at your dog. Your natural smile and confidence will paint a beautiful happy picture of the partnership.


Junior Handlers at Richmond 2012 – Nathan Hartfield

Junior Handlers at Richmond – Nathan Hartfield
Nathan Hartfield is 11 years old and at Richmond 2012 handled his Border Collie Moshanta Moonlight Fantasy JW ShCM (Tallis) to second in JHA 6-11 Pastoral. This was judged by Jo Gordon. Nathan and Tallis also competed in Border collie Veteran Bitch and came 4th. A huge well done to them both.

Nathan started Junior Handling three years ago when his mum asked if he would like to do some shows. He said yes and started training with his Mum and his older sister (Danielle).

Nathan Hartfield and Tallis

Nathan is lucky to have an older sister who has already been though the Junior handling ropes with much success herself including runner up handler of the year and he would like to thank her and his mum for training him, as well as the judges who have liked his handling.

When asked what his favourite thing about junior handling is, Nathan replied “spending time with my dogs and friends”.

When asked if he would like to mention anything else, his reply was “to a good site of Winning Paws”.

Thanks Nathan, it’s handlers like you that this site and blog were set up for, I hope you enjoy it and best of luck in your handling for the future and your next big show, Crufts!