
What makes a good judge?

What makes a good judge?
I recently asked on the Winning Paws Facebook page what makes a good judge. After reading some comments about different judges at Crufts (mixture of good and bad), I thought it would make an interesting discussion to see what peoples thoughts are. I also know as an exhibitor myself I will not go under “poor” judges more than once, even if they have done my dogs well.

It seems to  be common that what makes a good judge is one that can (and does) smile in the ring. Something so simple yet noticed by exhibitors. One comment from Elaine Bradley summed it up for me “To have a sense of humour, be pleasant and be able to smile.”

Another is to be kind and gentle and put at ease the dog AND the handler. Especially new or young people in showing like a judge who gives time to explain what they want in a simple way.

I have seen it myself before, judges wander into the ring and think they are the centre of attention. They don’t smile and they think they are above everyone else, even the exhibitors (who without they would have no appointment!)

So to anyone wanting to judge – smile
To anyone who currently judges – smile
And to all those judges who do smile – THANK YOU!