Show dog training

To speak or not to speak

To speak or not to speak
All dogs are different and therefor how you handle your dog can make a big difference to its performance in the ring. How much should you talk to your dog?

Human nature is to speak and talk (sometimes too much!) However this is not the same way that dogs communicate. This is an important thing to remember when training and handling your dog.

Some people enjoy talking to their dogs constantly. I think mainly because it gives the handler confidence, but it also could keep the dogs interest on them. However, some dogs will get over excited by this and are better when the handler is in silence, or using just the odd command to enforce the wanted behaviour.

A classic example is when moving the dog where talking can either help gee up a lazy dog, or could over-excite an over exuberant dog, so choosing to speak, or not to speak can be a very important decision and can hugely affect your dog’s performance. Think carefully about how much you want to talk to your dog and what works best for your dog.

If you feel you need help to work out how to get the best out of your dog, seek help from experienced show friends/judges or from a Ringcraft trainer.

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