Show dog training

Looking at your dog when moving – running in a straight line!

When showing your dog in either breed classes and handling, two things you need to do at the same time are run in a straight line and watch the dog!

Some handlers are obsessed with looking at their dog the whole time, that they can’t run in a straight line and sometimes miss the ringtape!

Other handlers only look where they are going and do not check the dog and fail to see if their dog is or isn’t moving correctly.

The balance is to watch where you are running, with just a couple of glances to your dog. Try to keep it at a maximum of three glances per straight line!

Getting started Show dog training

Space Perception – the science behind showing

Space Perception – the science behind showing

Handling a dog isn’t all glamour, there is some science behind it which I will try and explain one at a time.

“Spatial Perception is the ability to evaluate how things are arranged in space, and investigate their relations in the environment. Good spatial perception allows us to grasp the arrangement of our surroundings and our relationship to them. It keeps us from constantly colliding with the objects around us.”

Now, before you think I’m crazy, think about it. In a ring (normally square) there will be many things placed around the ring to be aware of including tables, other exhibitors and dogs, ringtape, stakes, and even flower arrangements, poles, spectators legs or drain covers.

It is important as a handler, you can quickly evaluate the space before moving, to miss any hazards which may hinder your dogs performance.

I have in the past seen many people run into tables, poles or other exhibitors for not looking where they are going, don’t let it be you! Stop, look and think where you can and can’t run in the ring!