Some light hearted fun…..
Category: Uncategorized
Fuel Crisis
Fuel Crisis
With the current news reports on panic buying of fuel and many stations over the country unable to keep up with demand, has this affected your decission to go to any shows you have entered? Answers on the poll below!
[polldaddy poll=6091102]
Happy Mothers’ Day
Happy Mothers’ Day, Mum!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish my Mum and Happy Mothers’ Day.
Mum has worked so hard all these years to help me in the world of dog showing/training/judging. Firstly from convincing my Dad that I NEEDED a dog of my own and everything since then.
She is the one who does everything behind the scenes of a show, the entries, the paperwork, keeping us organised, getting us ready, making sure we have everything we need.
When I was a Junior Handler, she would be buying me suits, show leads, taking me up and down the country for training and competitions.
Of course, there was also the huge things like keeping Giles from our previous litter while I finished Uni, training him for me and now I’ve come back from Uni, have a full time job and my own home, she looks after him every day so he isn’t left alone for long hours.
So thank you Mum for everything you have done. I hope you enjoy Mothers’ day, getting to spend it with me at my first Irish Setter judging appointment!
Also a Happy Mothers’ Day to all the other mum’s out there who do the same thing. I’m sure your children all appreciate it too!
Dress Code
I’ve been having a dig around some old documents written for our Junior Handlers at Stevenage Ringcraft by myself and my Dad (Ray McDonald). I thought I would start sharing them on this blog, no point them just staying on my hard-drive! So here’s for the first one I thought I would share. I think this was written by Ray McDonald and a few inputs from me!
Dress Code
It is well known that handlers dress smartly. There is no need to dress over the top with a dinner dress/suit but at the same time jeans and t-shirt are just too scruffy. In all breeds the dog is presented well with most breeds being bathed and trimmed before a show and having a good brush at the show to make them presentable, so why not make yourselves presentable as well.
Also remember while looking for a suit, the colour of the dog you are showing. A black dog gets lost against a black suit. So is not the best colour. Try and find a colour that will compliment your dog to its best, dark dogs stand out against light colours and visa versa.
Don’t forget, you don’t have to be in these clothes all day, take them with you and get changed at the show before and after you go in the ring (highly recommend for the young ones who want to play in the mud while not showing or the dry clean only suit.).
For girls:
Skirt or trouser suit or Jacket and trousers/skirt
Blouse or t-shirt
Long hair tied back in your choice. Make sure it stays out of your eyes.
Sensible flat shoes that are comfortable for running in and have grip.
The Mature ladies may want to think about investing in a comfy sports bra.
Do Not wear trainers, high heels (try running in stilettos on grass!)
Do Not wear short or long skirts. Knee length gives you room to move and long enough to be sensible. Long flowing skirts will flap into your dog.
Do Not wear lots of dangly jewellery.
Trousers and shirt are ideal for the warmer weather
Sensible flat shoes with grip
Long hair tied back
Do Not wear trainers
Do Not wear jeans
Do Not wear shorts
If you really want you may wear a skirt!
Crufts wins for Stevenage Ringcraft
Crufts is over and hope that all of you who went had a fantastic time. As most of you know, I also help run and train at Stevenage Ringcraft which was started by my grandparents and now has 3 generations (of human breeding) working hard to provide training for all abilities.
I wanted to post all the Stevenage Ringcraft achievements at Crufts. We are proud of everyone’s achievements and hope you all enjoyed your day.
Louise Dee – Chihuahuas
1st Limit Dog and RCC with Perry
2nd Junior Bitch with Pandora
Mandy Thomas – Welsh Springer Spaniels
3rd Junior Bitch – Ruby
5th Open Bitch – Izzie
Lindsey Wedge – Golden Retrievers
Shortlisted Post Grad Dog – Oscar
Ann Cladwell – Welsh Springer Spaniels
1st Puppy Dog and Best Puppy In Breed
1st Veteran Bitch – Cerys
Linda Stone – Russian Black Terrier
3rd Post Grad Bitch – Babushka
Fiona Baker – Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
1st Junior Dog – Harvey
Abigail – Junior Handling
4th YKC handling with Duster
Angela – Akitas
2nd Puppy Dog with Hooch
Not forgetting our own Moya who won Veteran Bitch and Good Citizens Bitch!
I will continue to update these results as I hear of them, don’t forget to let us know how you did and keep checking back for final full results.
Nothing in life comes for free
Nothing in life comes for free
I saw this picture the other day and just had to share with you all. It is so true on two aspects and worth remembering at all times when training and handling your dog.
Firstly there’s the judge asking for a free stack (or stand as we would say in the UK!) This is becoming more common for judges to ask for a free stand, normally at the end of the movement. This gives the judge a chance to see the dog stand in its own way and doesn’t allow the good handler to hide any faults. Therefore it is important to teach all dogs to free stand and extra work put into those normally stacked.
Secondly there is the dogs thoughts. A dog will rarely do anything for free, they want payment. Remember to reward your dog when they do what you want correctly. This can be with food, toys, fuss or verbal praise. It’s important you let your do know when they do something correct, they will then repeat the behaviour to get the reward again.
What treats or toys do you use to reward your dog?
Showing Vs Handling
The difference between handling and showing
I’ve been ask to explain the difference between showing and handling, and trying to find the best way to start and finish this blog is proving difficult. Firstly I would like to note that these are my opinions and each handler/judge may not agree with what I look for in a good handler.
Showing your dog and handling your dog are worlds apart, yet so similar!
When you judge a breed class, you have a breed standard, a blue print of the perfect dog that each judge looks for and while a judge will look past the handler’s skills, a skilled handler can make an OK dog look good, while a bad handler can make a great dog look poor. Handling classes is where you are judged on your skills while remembering some golden rules such has never getting between the dog at the judge.
What I look for in a good handler is one who stand their dog correctly and be aware if it moves, they can move the dog at the correct gait and keep the correct movement while performing the patterns asked, one who encourages their dog, talks to their dog, is a sympathetic handler to the dog and polite and considerate to other handlers, the judge and other officials in the ring.
A good handler will blend into the background so the dog stands out, they move at one with the dog and the bond can be seen between the dog and handler. A polished performance. This is everything that makes a good handler in the show ring and in the handling ring.
All clear as mud isn’t it!
Remember: Handling classes are about showing off your handling skills, not showing off yourself and although it’s deemed you should present yourself well with your attire, this does not make you a better handler than someone who maybe isn’t dressed as well. (I have beaten competition, including my own father, when wearing jeans and a hoodie!)
If anyone wants to learn more about Junior or Adult Handling, Marina Scots website has some great hints and tips. There are also a few books available
Junior Handling the White Way by Marina White (now Scott)
Junior Handling by Felix Cosme
Junior Handling by Jacqui Hurley
There’s also Jacqui Hurley’s DVD on Junior handling and Marina Scott’s new Junior Handling DVD
Take a look though the Our Dogs and Dog World shops for lots more books and DVDs too.
There are many ringcraft classes up and down the country that offer handling training and of course you can always contact Winning Paws for private or small group sessions for either improving your handling in the show ring, or for handling classes.
Where to find Dog Shows
Where to find shows
I remember growing up with a folder full of schedules we picked up at shows. They were filed neatly in closing date order, and once entered they went in show date order. A very easy, simple system that worked (most of the time!)
Now it seems so much more difficult. Most shows have their schedules online and to cut costs they are printing less to put out at other local shows. But with so many printers around, they are all held on different websites. Some shows you can enter online, others have to be postal entries.
To help, Dog Show Central has come to our aid, keeping many show details in one place, weekly emails of shows with entries closing (which I fully recommend you sign up for) and much more for every dog show person.
Below I have collated links to Dog Show schedule printers in the UK.
Printers that offer online entries
1) Fosse Data
2) Higham Press
3) Canine Information Directory
4) Arena print
5) Cavalier Impressions
Printers without online entries just to download the schedule
1) EJC Printing
2) Print Matters
3) ADP Printers
Other ways of finding shows
1) Dog World Newspaper
2) Our Dogs Newspaper
3) Starprint Diary (lists all show details and dates)
4) Dog Show Central
Most Championship shows and a lot of Open shows are now developing their own websites and Facebook pages too, so have a quick search on the internet to you can keep up with information.
If I have forgotten any good links, please let me know and I will add them to this post.
I’m just a dog breeder’s husband
A fitting post for Valentine’s Day I feel. My apologies to all those who wish this to be ‘just another day’ with no mention of the ‘V’ word!
I give you, the poem ‘I’m just a dog breeder’s husband’. I hope you all enjoy it.
I’m just a dog breeder’s husband,
I no longer rule my domain.
Even if kindly invited,
from opinions I wisely refrain.
I’m just a glorified kennel boy
of minor importance I know.
It seems my primary function
is merely providing the dough.
Now dog breeding is not inexpensive,
as you all no doubt are aware –
but the problem’s not so much the money
as the bustle, the wear and the tear.
Having studied the layback of shoulder
and becoming an expert on feet,
I still have not learned to give worm pills
or how much the puppy should eat.
My spouse will spend hours grooming
her Bred By Exhibitor bitch.
But when it comes to scratching my back,
her thought is to let the thing itch.
Some day I hope that my wife’ll
take me wandering to some foreign vale,
instead of inspecting the stifle
of some Special stud at Hinsdale.
Off in a crowded hotel room
after the dog show is o’er,
someone questions the judges decision
while they reach for another drink more
It appears that his eyesight is failing,
his errors in judgment immense.
In fact if I did not know better
you’d doubt if he had any sense.
One finds that the amateur’s bungling
is no match for professional skills.
A handler can hide what the owner admits
as he tries hard his conscience to still.
The din and the utter confusion
of everyone talking at once
leaves one weary, hoarse and irascible
and the next day a bleary eyed dunce
Sometimes late in the evening,
I’m asked if I do not agree
that Pottowattamies Bridget
Is somewhat out at the knee.
But before I can answer the question
I find my answer ignored –
for some inexplicable reason
my questioner’s suddenly bored.
I’m only a dog breeders husband,
not that I mean to complain –
but I find certain aspects amazing
when I aspire my role to explain.
I know at least where I’m going –
I’m rapidly going to seed.
But I’ve learned about Winner’s Bitches
I married the Best of the Breed
Author Unknown
Welcome! The first blog post
Ok, so I guess this is the introduction to the blog for Winning Paws.
The website has been designed and is live –
And the Facebook page is growing in numbers daily –
So what was left for me to do? Well the blog!
What I aim to achieve with this blog is to answer some FAQs regarding showing, training, handling, pick up on popular discussions and to feedback on any successes from myself or others. So check back often to see the latest hot topics!
If you have any ideas of what topics could be included in the blog, email me at
Please check back for future blogs and share with your friends.