
Crufts 2013 is on it’s way – 59 days to go

Crufts 2013 is on it’s way – 59 days to go
Postal entries have now closed for Crufts 2013, although there is still a week left for online entries.

This year will see some changes at Crufts, it’s the first year that breeds on the Import Register are able to compete at Crufts in Any Variety Import Register classes. The winner won’t be able to enter the group but this is still a first for these breeds. There will also be early starts (8am) for some breeds on Sunday. This is to ensure that Best in Show is held at the correct time to be aired live on More 4.

Bad news for this year is the increase in car parking charges set by the NEC. Parking will now cost £10 and can be purchased on the day and no-one is 100% sure on what is happening with the West Car Park since it was sold to the Airport. Hopefully the whole carpark will be available to use!

Crufts is always a highlight of my year. Showing, Discover Dogs, friends from around the world and of course the shopping!

I also hope to meet lots of Winning Paws clients and followers there.


Dog Show people

Dog Show people
I just had to share this with you all.

Dog Show people are a special breed, not usually recognised by the KC.

They usually have crates in their living rooms, keep messy houses, but their kennels are spotless.

They can always find a show catalogue within an arms reach and have kids who know more about the ‘birds and the bees’ when they are five year old than most people know at 40.

Dog Show people will drive 200 miles, spend £50 on petrol and £20 on meals, to bring home a piece of card.

Dog Show people drive vans. They can never be reached on weekends, unless you happen to be at the same show.

They have trouble getting to work on time but can be at ringside by 8:00am.

Dog show people will give up a £250,000 home to move to a shack on 10 acres so they can have a £150,000 dog kennel.

Dog Show people have children who grow up believing ‘Bitch’ is just another household word.

Dog show people do not have neat gardens.

Dog show people may pay the mortgage 10 days late BUT never miss a closing date for entries.

Dog show people would rather be audited by the Inland Revenue than investigated by the KC.

Dog show people use dog food bags for rubbish and rubbish bins for dog food.

Dog show people talk on the phone for hours to another dog person in a language known only to dog people.

(Author Unknown)

Getting started Show dog training

The importance of socialisation

The importance of socialisation
Some show dogs can be made or lost depending to how well they were socialised as a puppy. Even with perfect conformation and breed type, any dog needs the correct temperament to make it in the ring. A dog which is shy with people and wilts like a flower when you take them to new places, will never perform well enough to win in the ring. This said, it’s important to remember the difference with “reserved with strangers” and shy in the ring as some breed standards will describe the breed as the former.

General socialisation
To help with socialisation, take your new puppy everywhere you can with you. Expose him/her to as many new places as possible with as many different people, dogs, situations, noises, etc.

Also attend puppy training/socialisation classes to introduce new dogs and a different hall.

Specific socialisation for show dogs
Introduce from an early age, lots of different kinds of surfaces to walk on including grass, cement, concrete, carpet, linoleum and rubber matting so different surfaces are a norm for a show dogs.

Encourage people to pet her all over her body including down legs and picking up paws. This will help to simulate a judges movements of “going over” your dog and get him/her used to be touched. Also don’t forget to gt your pup used to having strangers looking at her teeth, just be careful not to over do this and never push it when a puppy is teething.

All of these experiences will teach you pup to take everything in their stride and give them the confidence.

Confidence is a key trait found in all top show dogs that gives them the winning stride and attitude that judges love to see.

Of course, top top it all, the handler also needs to be confident.


Getting started Show dog training

Show Etiquette

Show Etiquette
Etiquette: the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group (Oxford dictionary)

There always seems to be discussions about the show world and a lot of people believe that those in the show world are “bitchy”, “nasty”, unkind” or “unhelpful”. I’m not going to defend everyone, some people are, but this is no means the majority, half or even a quarter. In fact, it’s a very small percentage.

But, still it is important to be reminded of show etiquette of polite behaviour towards each other while at shows and while discussing shows.

Remember to smile, speak to new people in the breed and encourage them. Share your tips (or at least share the Winning Paws blog!).
Congratulate the winners
Have a laugh with friends
Don’t say bad things about other people or dogs in public

I saw a lovely thing on Facebook yesterday where someone offered to make and give a lead to a 9 year old handler who wanted one. I saw lots of congratulations flying around the internet to people who had done well at shows.

Lets remember to keep the show etiquette and all play our parts in being friendly and approachable to keep this hobby fun and inviting.

I think most/all of us feel sad and guilty when a new person is made to feel unwelcome. After all, they didn’t meet anyone who has probably read to the end of this post.

Like if you agree!


Show dog training

Food vs Toys in the ring

Food vs Toys in the ring
One of the great things about showing over other dog competition sports,  is you can “cheat” and use anything you can (within reason) to get your dogs attention in the ring.

Treats I think are the common choice. Most dogs are food motivated and treats are a quick and calm way of rewarding your dog immediately as well as keeping their attention on you and used as bribery.

Toys are less used in the show ring, but are a keen training tool for non food motivated dogs and a popular training tool for those who have done/do agility/obedience it seems.

Toys can be harder. To show good sportsmanship, you do not want to distract other dogs in the ring. Therefore it is not a good idea to be squeaking squeaky toys, playing a game of tug or playing ‘catch’. However, the use of a toy as a lure is fine. Sometimes, a dog just knowing you have something they want can change the way they work for you, so feel free to take in a small toy that will fit in your pocket and then let your dog have a game after the class, away from the rings.

Remember when in the ring to consider your fellow exhibitors and show good sportsmanship at all times.

Top Tips

Top Tip #13

Top Tip #13
Know your dogs faults or bad habits and remember these. Be honest to yourself about the faults.

Also, know the breed standard of the breed you are showing.

Getting started

Championship show details

I thought I would put together all the championship show websites together for you all.

Show name Month Location Website Printers
Boston & DCS January Newark Fosse Data
Manchester January Stafford Higham Press
Crufts March NEC, Birmingham Fosse Data
Scottish Breeds Canine Club March Edinburgh Fosse Data
United Kingdom Toydog Society March Stafford Higham Press
National Terrier Club April Stafford Fosse Data
Hound Association of Scotland April Edinburgh Fosse Data
Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Wales April Builth Wells Fosse Data
West of England Ladies Kennel Society April Malvern Fosse Data
Birmingham Dog Show Society May Stafford Fosse Data
Scottish Kennel Club May Edinburgh Fosse Data
Bath Canine Society May Bath Higham Press
Southern Counties Canine Association June Newbury Fosse Data
Three Counties June Malvern Higham Press
Border Union Agricultural Society June Kelso Fosse Data
Blackpool & District Canine Society June Blackpool Fosse Data
Windsor Dog Show June/
Windsor Higham Press
East of England Agricultural Society July Peterborough Fosse Data
National Working & Pastoral Breeds July Malvern Higham Press
Leeds Championship Dog Show July Harewood Higham Press
National Gundog Association August Malvern Fosse Data
Houndshow August Stafford Higham Press
Paignton & District Fanciers Association August Exeter Higham Press
Bournemouth Dog Show August Brockenhurst Higham Press
Welsh Kennel Club August Builth Wells Higham Press
Scottish Kennel Club August Edinburgh Fosse Data
City of Birmingham August/
Stoneleigh Higham Press
Richmond Dog Show September Guildford Higham Press
Darlington Dog Show September Ripon Higham Press
Driffield Dog Show September Wetherby Higham Press
Belfast Dog Show Society September Belfast Fosse Data
South Wales Kennel Association October Builth Wells Fosse Data
Gundog Society of Wales October Malvern Fosse Data
Midland Counties Canine Society October Stafford Fosse Data
Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland November Edinburgh Fosse Data
Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland November Edinburgh Higham Press
British Utility Breeds Association December Malvern Fosse Data
Ladies Kennel Association December NEC, Birmingham Higham Press

Top Tips

Top Tip #7

Top Tip #7
Always congratulate those who win. Even if you don’t agree with the placings, a polite well done is all that is needed.

There is never an excuse for muttering negative comments for other exhibitors/judges to hear.

Getting started

Back to basics

Back to basics
The basic points of showing your dog

You are there to show YOUR DOG. To emphasise the good points and minimise any faults.
You want the judge’s thoughts on YOUR DOG.
You want to leave the judge with a lasting impression of YOUR DOG.
You want to persuade the Judge to put YOUR DOG first.
GOOD HANDLING will help achieve all of the above.

“A good handler can make a poor dog look good, whereas a poor handler can make an excellent dog look poor.”

Guidelines for showing
1) Treat your dog with respect

There is nothing worse than seeing someone mis-treat a dog at a show, or drag them round the ring, or force them to something they don’t want to. Make each and every show fun for your dog and remember, you want them to enjoy showing!

2) Always be polite to the officials and other exhibitors
A polite thank-you to the judge, and a well done to other exhibitors costs nothing.  Even if they are your sworn enemy, you being polite to them will only get them wondering. Also think about all the people who are watching around the ring.

Also, remember that dog shows are run by a committee who give up their time to provide a show for you. Accept human errors graciously and forgive when something doesn’t go to plan on the day.

3) Dress appropriately for the job in hand and to compliment your dog. 
See more details under What To Wear to a Dog Show or Dress Code


Welcome! The first blog post

Ok, so I guess this is the introduction to the blog for Winning Paws.

The website has been designed and is live –

And the Facebook page is growing in numbers daily –
So what was left for me to do? Well the blog!

What I aim to achieve with this blog is to answer some FAQs regarding showing, training, handling, pick up on popular discussions and to feedback on any successes from myself or others. So check back often to see the latest hot topics!

If you have any ideas of what topics could be included in the blog, email me at

Please check back for future blogs and share with your friends.